Friday, August 26, 2011

Another Way To Help

I know money can be tight these days but there is another way you could help. We will be doing an auction later this year (date is not set in stone yet). We have already had some very generous people who have offered to donate gift certificates for a variety of things. We would like to ask those crafty people out there to donate their talents, anything that the Lord has blessed you to be able to do. "your talent is a gift from God, what you do with it is your gift to God" -Leo Buscaglia I cant think of any better way to show our Father in Heaven how grateful we are for these gifts then to use them for such honorable things. Thank you again to those keeping Dad in your thoughts and prayers they are defiantly felt! Dad has been having a good week so far and we are grateful for that. I'm sure he is sick of the food I'm cooking (no salt,preservatives, sugar or red meat) but he admits it makes him feel better. By the way if anyone has food ideas please email us we are new to this and could use any help you have :)

Tiffany the other daughter :)

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