Monday, September 5, 2011

Yard Sale SUCCESS!!!!

This is Diane, Murray's sister. Our sister Cheryl and I held a fundraiser yard sale for Murray, and with the combined effort, and donations from so many wonderful family and friends, we were able to raise $ 1,300.
We're amazed at how so many items people donated (and not small stuff either). They just kept coming with it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your love and support in our effort to help Murray.

I (Jennifer) have been reading Glimpses. It is a wonderful book about a wonderful woman. I want to be just like her, but she's so good...I don't know if it's possible! Anyhow! I read something last night that made me think of my aunts and all they are doing for my dad.

"We all have a responsibility-a responsibility to make a difference, to be an influence, to lift someone. We are all in this together to work out our salvation, to reach our potential, and to be our brother's keeper. The help each other." (Marjorie Pay Hinckley)

I don't know if my family will ever know exactly who has helped my dad. I love that complete strangers have helped raise money for my dads medical bills. It reminds me that there is SO much good in this world. So many good people why even bother looking at the bad stuff going only (unless it is to avoid it)..and why bother being upset when someone is rude or why bother being the someone who is rude when there are so many reasons to be happy!?

It's a good thing to be reminded of.

Thank you!

{P.S. Utah fundraiser total is now $1400 after a $100 donation made yesterday! Amazing! Plus, they gathered enough donated items...they are having another yard sale next weekend! You guys are WONDERFUL!!!!!}

{P.S.S. Look for details on an upcoming car wash in Mesa!}

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